Wednesday 17 June 2015

Research and Planning: Moving Image

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This was my first introduction to moving image and it helped me to understand how films like this are put together and what shots and camera angles are common and which ones to use in certain situations. It also helped me develop an understanding of characters and mise-en-scene.

Friday 12 June 2015

Expectation of Year 13

As with most A levels, I expect year 13 to be a challenge and a step up from Year 12. After having completed the AS media course i know know what to expect with the work load and I think that I am now fully prepared with what is ahead. Having already learnt many skills in editing a 2D still product (my magazine) I am excited to learn about filming,  putting together and editing moving products in the production of my final piece.

Reflecting on Year 12

If I were to redo this task, obviously I could make some major improvements to my course work. Looking back on it, I feel that I have used a variety of different sites to present my work through out the stages of planning, designing and evaluating. I believe that my research was adequate but I continuously missed deadlines which massively put me behind in the grand scheme of things so my overall grade was probably quite a bit less than it could have been. I now know for next time that I shall have to put a lot more effort into making sure that I always keep up with the work and never miss a deadline.