Saturday 12 December 2015

Setting justifications

The scene in our music video with the couple playing in the woods is quite a common setting for indie fold music videos. Indie folk videos also use a lot of outdoor settings and this is why we chose to have quite a lot of our video set outside. I watched loads of indie music videos like Gabrielle Aplin, Ben Howard, Laura Marling and First Aird Kit and nature settings are common places to find in the videos. (See photos below)

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Title sequence editing practice

We messed around with some different ways of doing title sequences on Adobe Premiere. I got some footage that I will be using in my final piece just to have a play with the different methods. What we did was got a video and applied text over the top so the only footage seen was through the text (seen below) then made the font larger until the whole screen was just the footage not the text anymore. This workshop was quite useful in terms of if we did decide to do a title sequence howver at the moment we probably wont because it isnt cthat common among music videos of this genre.

Tuesday 1 December 2015

First 17 seconds

Even though its only 17 seconds at the moment it hasn't quite worked how I wanted it to because at the beginning of the shot with the close up on the photo there are black strips at the top and the bottom of the video but on all of the ones before there aren't these black strips. As well as this, when we zoom in on the photo, the black boxes disappear but they're at the top and bottom of the next section of footage. I would like to make this consistent throughout my video so i will either remove the black strip completely or make sure its there the whole time.