Sunday 21 February 2016

First rough cut feedback

Here is the feedback we got after posting the YouTube link on Facebook. Most of the people who commented said that they could obviously tell which genre the video was for and that as a whole it was really good. The main things we need to focus on now are making sure the lip-sync is perfect and also changing around some of our shots so that we can use the 'hey' parts of the song for transitions and changing between shots to make it more smooth and overall better. We had some mixed feedback about the starting scene with our actor looking at the photo, with some people saying the silence added to the suspense of the scene but with other people also saying there needed to be more background noise. We are also going to consider putting more text bubbles over the scene where our actors are sat on a sofa together while the male actor is on his phone. This would make it easier for our audience to understand what is going on in the story but if we didn't do this then the audience could decide for themselves what they thought was happening in the relationship. Over all, there are less changed we need to make than we expected as our audience really likes this piece as it suits the genre its meant to be.

Tuesday 9 February 2016


Secondary feedback

I showed my rough cut to my secondary audience and asked them what they thought of it and what we needed to improve on/ what was good :) Below is the video of their feedback. This feedback is really useful as it enables us to create a product that our target audience really like as it is based around their likes and dislikes.

Monday 1 February 2016

Possible ancillary fonts

So far, 70% of my target audience have said they like the first font the most, 20% of the people I asked said they liked the last one, 6% said they liked the third font and the remaining 4% said they liked the second font the most out of the three. Because of this data, for my ancillary tasks, I shall be using the first font because this is what my target audience likes and wants.