What have you learnt from audience feedback?
I put up a post on facebook for people to watch my roughcut so I could get feedback. I had a couple of technical issues because copy right meant that the video wouldn't work on mobile devices or tablets.
Loads of people commented on the post with great feedback.
Positive comments included:
"The settings were perfect for the genre!"
"Some of the shots are amazing and really well framed."
"Most of the editing is really good and fits in with the song."
"The storyline is great and reasonably easy to follow."
Other comments where:
"Right at the end the lipsync doesn't quite fit so maybe that could be changed slightly."
"Maybe some more shots could be edited on the beat so it has a better flow."
"The storyline is fab but suddenly the couple goes from being in love to arguing and hating each other so it would be good if you could add something in to explain that a bit better. I'm not sure how though."
These comments really helped me because I know which shots I need to cut down, which bits to edit and which ones I should get rid of completely. My partner and I made sure we had too much footage which meant that bits that my audience didn't like I can remove and replace with footage that is better suited.
I also asked my target audience about my ancillary tasks. I originally made two slightly different digipaks and asked my audience which they preferred.