Monday 16 November 2015

Weather forecast

We were going to film our campfire scene the Thursday (19th November) but after looking at the weather forecast this is probably not the best idea because we need it to be dry and clear (ish- a little cloud shouldn't be a problem) but a shown in the screenshot above it is meant to be crazily rainy which is OUTRAGEOUS! But it is the weather so we can't do much to change that anyway. After checking the weather for next week, it appears to be only cloudy but no rain so we plan to postpone our filming until then.

We also decided not to include our bonfire scene because the weather has been so bad recently and it means that it might not be dry enough to start a fire that will last long enough to do this shot. We also found that after most of our other filming we have enough raw material to fill all the time we need in our music video.

Friday 13 November 2015

More setting up

Attention to Detail

Apologies for the lack of sound in this video! Here I am just talking about what we've already set up and why we've set it up as we have. So we put the hay bales in there because in indie folk music videos there are often hay bales. Like in Ben Howard's Keep Your Head Up. (See below)

As well as this we decided to put fairy lights over the hay bales, the drums and wrapped around the mics because this is also quite common in other indie folk music videos. An example of this is Little Lion Man by Mumford and Sons and Ho Hey by The Lunineers. (See below) Indie Folk music videos also normally are lit with yellow light (Like Little Lion Man by Mumford and Sons)

We decided to have a black/unlit background with only the space our band will be in because this is also another common feature of indie music videos like James Bay's Hold back the river.

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Thursday 12 November 2015

The importance of Mise-En-Scene

 This was the drama studio when we first arrived to set up for our band. We had to move everything out of the way in order to set up the instruments and lights. We filmed the first couple of minutes of us setting up the room.
When our actors arrived w=they quickly got changed into their costumes and were given their instruments. We briefed them (seen above) about what they needed to do, what we expected from them and we went through our risk assessment to make sure everyone is safe.
This is what the whole drama studio looked like when we had completely finished setting up and when all our actors were in position.

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Tuesday 10 November 2015

Risk Assessment

I did this risk assessment to make sure that I knew about all the possible risks while filming so that none of my actors got hurt. This risk assessment was vital because if one of my actors had gotten hurt then it could have caused a major problem with filming the rest of my video as I may have had to find a new actor and potentially have had to start over. That could have been catastrophic. This assessment highlighted all possibilities of injury.

Saturday 7 November 2015


Apologies for my artwork I am not an artist but its the thought that counts!!
This storyboard will really help me to know which shots should be in when I put together my music video and it also means that I wont miss anything out!Its also really good for planning because I didn't do a story board for my preliminary task so I was just kind of guessing what shots I needed to do and which order they should be in so the storyboard should help me to save time when it comes to actually filming and editing my final piece. 


Above is our main actor Plum in her everyday clothes.

Right is her in her costume for filming the band sections.

Below is a head shot of her.

This is our other main actor Blaise.
Above is him in his normal clothes.

Right is him in his costume with his guitar.

Below is a head shot of him.

This is another actor Ollie. He is the bass guitarist.

Above is him in his normal clothes.

Left is him in his costume for the band filming.

Below is a head shot.

 This is another actor Ollie. He is the bass guitarist.

Top right is him in his normal clothes.

Top left is him in his costume for the band filming.

Above is a head shot.

 This is Caias. He is our drummer.

Above is him in his regular ordinary clothes.

Right is him in his costume for shooting.

Below is a head shot.

This is Tom. He is the trumpet player.

Left is him in his costume.

Below is a head shot.

Thursday 5 November 2015

Testing out ideas

We took one of our friends up to East Hill (where we planned on filming most of our video) in order to test out a couple of ideas and see how they actually looked, to decided whether they fitted our genre and whether they would be good for our narrative. Not only were we looking at what sort of thing we could include in out video but it also helped me to start to think about what editing I can do to improve the shots. For example, when the leaves were being thrown in the video below it made me think of whether I could put that sort of shot into slow motion and how I could then transition it to the next shot with a fade or something. 

Tuesday 3 November 2015


Above is our pitch and what we plan to do throughout our music video. Below is my partner and I telling our target audience what we plan to do as well as showing them a Pinterest Pin Board I made full of ideas for settings, scenes and costumes. We asked them what they likes, what they didn't like and they told us how they wanted us to change our music video to suit them as an audience. For example, they said that they liked our idea of using mainly natural settings and most of the video taking place outside but they also said that they didn't like some of our sunsets or shots that don't contribute to the narrative because our audience said they were unnecessary. We have done this so that we can get a better idea of what our target audience is looking for and what sort of product they would like. This will massively help us when we start to film and edit our music video as we can keep their responses in mind.

Monday 2 November 2015

Ancillary Task

A promotion package for the release of an album, to include a music promo video, together with two of the following three options:
1) a website homepage for the band
2) a digipak for the albums release
3) a magazine advertisement for the digipak

For my ancillary task I have chosen to create a digipak as well as a magazine advertisement for my music video. 

These digipacs have helped me to start planning mine as I know have a clearer idea of what is typically on them as well as the actual layout.

Similarly, these posters have helped me to understand the basics of digipac adverts so I will find it easier to plan and make my own. 

Sunday 1 November 2015

Music video research

I asked some people to write down what came to mind when they heard the song "Little Talks" by Of Monsters and Men and this was their response...


This has helped me to create my pitch because I know what my audience would expect form this genre and what they would like to see when I create me video.