Tuesday 3 November 2015


Above is our pitch and what we plan to do throughout our music video. Below is my partner and I telling our target audience what we plan to do as well as showing them a Pinterest Pin Board I made full of ideas for settings, scenes and costumes. We asked them what they likes, what they didn't like and they told us how they wanted us to change our music video to suit them as an audience. For example, they said that they liked our idea of using mainly natural settings and most of the video taking place outside but they also said that they didn't like some of our sunsets or shots that don't contribute to the narrative because our audience said they were unnecessary. We have done this so that we can get a better idea of what our target audience is looking for and what sort of product they would like. This will massively help us when we start to film and edit our music video as we can keep their responses in mind.

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