Tuesday 13 October 2015

Cyndi Lauper Girls Just Want to Have Fun prelim task

For my Preliminary task, I had to recreate one minute of any music video. After looking through a variety of different music videos like Birdys 'Skinny Love' and Mylie Cyrus' 'Wrecking Ball' my partner and I chose to recreate Cyndi Laupers "Girls Just Want to Have Fun".

We chose this song because it was just basic shots with everyday settings so it wouldn't have been expensive to recreate as unlike many modern pop videos. 

This song was also a good choice because there were only 3 people in the actual video and because this is a recreation, we only needed to find two other people to play Cyndi's parents (excluding myself who was Cyndi).

In the filming of this, we used a combination of using a tripod for the camera and hand held shots. The tripod meant that the shots were more steady and the hand held ones were a bit more unsmooth and wobbly. 

In order to put all of our shots together, we used Premier to edit and put the song with the video. I found this software really easy to use and I could quickly learn how to do things I couldn't already do.

In our version of the video, there are a few problems with it. For example, some of the shots are different from the original. Also, many of the shots are very blurry because we had a lot of problems with the camera we were using. Additionally to this, in some of the scenes (like the kitchen scene) there are items lying around that shouldn't be there like things on the kitchen table and a TV on the wall that wouldn't have been around when the video was actually made.

From this task, I have learnt that casting is very important because our cast was quite last minute and rushed so we could have been able to get actors that are more suitable if we had taken more time.
I have also learnt that I need to make sure everything that is visible on camera is meant to be there and fits in, rather than having bits and pieces that are out of place. This would make our video a lot better.
As well as this, I have learnt that I need to actually be able to use the camera better and be familiar with how it works before trying to film because by the time we did know how to use it properly, we had run out of time to complete the task.

I think that this task was very useful and helpful in preparing me for the main task as I now have a better understanding of how to plan, film and put together a music video and if has also meant that I have made my mistakes before I complete my main task so the main tasks should have the same flaws.

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