Saturday 3 October 2015

Nicki Minaj- Anaconda

This video by Nicki Minaj sexualises the female body throughout the whole thing. The use of costume in this video adds to idolisation of their bodies as all of the women in it are wearing very little clothing. The genre of this is hip-hop, dance and dirty rap which can be shown through the video by her choice of clothing and dance moves or actions. This video appears to be aimed at young men or teenage boys from the idea that she is the 'ideal woman' in terms of her body however it appears that it could also be aimed at women and this would make these women want to 'be her' as she and all of her backup 'dancers' are portrayed as very sexy and attractive.

This video can be linked to Andrew Goodwin's theory because it contains a star image, the artist acts as both a performer and a narrator, the video is edited through the beat and the visuals in the video are linked the the lyrics and words of the song.

I have decided to reject this type of video because it is a pop video with is usually expensive to produce and over the top in terms of props and camera angles so it would be difficult.

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