Monday 28 September 2015

Andrew Goodwin

"Dancing in the Distraction Factory" 1992

Andrew Goodwin focused on: Editing through the beats so the editing and the song matched
                                                 The voice of the artist reflecting in the song
                                                 The music video containing a narrative and a performance which                                                                                                                                           advertises the artist
                                                 The video containing a star image/ performer
                                                 Technical codes
                                                 Relation of visuals to the song

Matching the editing with the song helps to bond the song to the video as a fast song will probably have lots of editing and cutting but a slower song will have less. This type of editing can also add structure to the video as well as help to tell the story or narrative of the video to the audience. This could also represent the style or particular identity of the artist.

The star image of the video helps the audiences associate the song with that particular artist by having the artist in the video. Some genres, like folk, have the artist as a performer running alone side the narrative but some genres,  like pop for example, have the artist in the narrative as well as performing in the video.

Goodwin said the relation of visuals to the song is always there to promote the music video. This is done in 3 ways;
Illustrate- The meaning of the song is made very clear from the visuals in the video.
Amplify- The meaning of the song is exaggerated through the use of visuals.
Disjuncture- This is where the meaning of the song is completely ignored.

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