Wednesday 23 September 2015

Codes and Conventions


Codes can be audio,visual and technical. They are signs that tell the audience what genre the video is. This means that they are always predictable and formulaic which draws in the audience and is easy for a producer to sell to make them more profit. Codes always remain the same but can change in different settings or scenarios.They are generally a cultural frame of reference.
Technical codes are all to do with the way a text is technically constructed for example camera angles, framing, typography, lighting, costume and props.
Verbal codes are everything to do with language either written or symbolic.
Character codes
Plot codes
Structure codes
Cultural codes
Production codes

These are recognisable devices which are subject to change over time to sustain interest, reinvent the genre, for sub genres or hybrid genres. Conventions are signs and codes put together. They are habits or long accepted ways of doing something. Conventions can change a lot as a genre developed but if they are changes too quickly or too many at a time then the audience may not understand what is going on.

A music video can either adhere, subvert or challenge conventions.

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